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News from Across the EVP Division

Fall 2015  


The signs are all around us: the temperature is falling, the lines at all the lunch spots are longer, your commute time has increased just a few minutes. Collectively, these signs can only mean one thing: summer is officially over. You are a hardworking team, and as you gear up for a new season, I hope you enjoyed summer in a manner that recharged the batteries for a new academic year.  


I have had a few recent experiences that I'd like to share, because they have me thinking about service and our roles at Penn.


It's been said that character is how one behaves, when they believe no one is watching. To that point, earlier this month, the President's Office received a thank you letter from a Penn Parent (completely out of the blue), expressing their heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Gutmann for the excellent service their child received from a Penn financial aid counselor. Navigating the financial aid landscape can be a challenge, and we were all pleasantly surprised by the act of writing the letter, and the kindness contained within. It was a wonderful reminder that the work we do matters very much in the daily lives of students, even if we think no one is watching. I congratulate my colleagues in Student Financial Services for representing us so well.


The other service I have been impressed with is Penn's preparations for the Papal Visit. Leaders, from across the university and health system collaboratively prepared an expert plan to maintain normal operations during an unpresented event in our city's history.

These colleagues went above and beyond their roles to serve the faculty, students, staff, patients, and visitors to Philadelphia in way that make me extremely proud.


Nearly one millions people came to Philadelphia for this event, with 161 nations represented. I imagine that for many this may their only visit to Philadelphia in their lives. It's been said "you get once chance to make a first impression," and I feel we prepared well in helping our city make that good impression.


With these thoughts in mind - service and first impressions - I reflect on another new academic year and ask you to do the same. Nearly 3,000 students have begun their college life; many traveling great distances and making sacrifices, for this experience. We are their home-away-from-home for a few years. Let us apply our own professional capacities and serve them so they have a truly excellent Penn and Philadelphia experience.  


See you around the campus.



Craig's List

(not to be confused with Craigslist)


This year's Penn Family Day is Saturday, October 10. Faculty, staff, and postdoctoral scholars are invited to bring family and friends to the celebration. For tickets and schedule information visit

October 29 is the deadline for nominating a Penn colleague for one of three annual awards: Models of Excellence program, Model Supervisor, and Pillars of Excellence. Visit for details.

 A talented cross section of colleagues has been upgrading the next generations of student systems. Visit here for a report - People + Pennant = Progress Pennant Update!

Congratulations to Penn Purchasing for hosting their Annual Supplier Show, Sept. 30, This year's show also presented the first ever Green Purchasing Award to Penn employees who demonstrated their commitment to Penn's Climate Action Plan.

Houston Market welcomes a healthy new option with the opening of Philly-favorite, Pure Fare. Founded by Penn Alum Kriti Sehgal, Pure Fare is known for its creative, healthy, and nutrient dense food.

Over the last decade, our campus has been transformed, honoring Penn's history while creating a vibrant and innovative urban university for the 21st century and beyond. This achievement is documented in this video: Penn Connects: A Decade of Transformation.

ISC launched PennO365, the University's cloud-based email and calendaring service that's available to every School and Center.


Craig's Tip(S) of the Month





University of Pennsylvania
| 3451 Walnut Street | Suite 721 | Franklin Building | Philadelphia | PA | 19104